Hi, I'm Halim 👋

I live in Indonesia,
where I design the future.

I've worked on a variety of projects over the years and I'm proud of the progress I've made. many of my projects are open source and available on my github. and available for others to explore and contribute to. If you're interested in any of the projects I've worked on, please feel free to check out the code and suggest any improvements or enhancements you might have in mind. Collaborating with others is a great way to learn and grow, and I'm always open to new ideas and feedback.

I'm currently working as a IT Programmer at RSIA AISYIYAH Pekajangan and I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. I'm currently working on a variety of projects, including a Hospital Information System and a Web Application for the hospital. I'm also working on a Mobile Application for the hospital using Flutter.
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